for the GMTK Game Jam 2022

Make sure to run the game in fullscreen! This is the first game I have ever fully uploaded, so it's got a few minor bugs, one of those being that the UI only loads correctly if the game is running in 1920x1080 resolution.

The only controls are clicking and dragging the dice around with your mouse. There is a "bench" on the left, to allow your dice to rest, and when your dice are near full energy a white outline appears around them to notify you.

The dice will attack automatically, but each attack uses energy (displayed by the brightness of the dice), which affects the odds of what each die will roll. The dice also have moods, displayed by the color (fading from green to yellow to red), which is affected by how optimally you use the dice and "how well you treat them". The mood also affects the odds of each outcome of the dice, so if you have a die with great energy and great mood, its incredibly likely to roll high. However, if your dice are consistently low energy, and unhappy, they'll roll lower and lower.


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Liked the game overall. Had a bug where dices would overlap which caused me to be out of dices quite often (where all on the resting bench). Appreciated the concept, would have liked commands instruction in game and a little bit of sound design...